Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...
Matthew 28:19–20 (ESV)
With so many ways to get involved at North, there's a place for everyone to serve!
Email our office administrator, Yvette Misenheimer, to get plugged in OR fill out the form below and we'll get in touch with you.
Welcome Team
We want our guests and members to feel at home at North, and that's what our greeters do! Greeters are stationed at the sanctuary entrance doors to welcome members and guests to North. They also provide our guests with our Welcome Info, are able to answer questions, and help direct our guests to the correct places.
Our ushers serve on Sundays by standing at the inside doors of the sanctuary to pass out information to our members and guests as well as help people find their seats. Ushers also help with the collection of offerings and tithes.