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Our mission at North is simple - to make disciples.
NABC is a community of the redeemed believing the gospel of Jesus,
becoming like Jesus, and being sent on mission with Jesus.
We desire to see people in Albemarle and Stanly County believe the
gospel of Jesus, become like Jesus, and be sent on mission with Jesus.

Our Strategy
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19–20 (ESV)
“Baptizing” - baptism is critically important to what we believe. It does not save you, but if you are saved you should be obedient to Christ and be baptized. Baptism is the first step of obedience for the believer. But, what must come before baptism? Evangelism! You must share the gospel with people! and they must believe! The first leg of our strategy is believe! We want people to believe the gospel of Jesus. This means we must teach and preach, we must share with the community, we must do outreach!
The second participle that builds our strategy is the word “teaching.” “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded
you.” So we baptize people and then teach them. The problem is too many churches have focused solely on baptism,
and have all but neglected teaching. We have to teach the Word of God! We have to teach believers to stand on the authority of scripture, to sit deep in theology, and to walk closely with Jesus. These are disciplines that must be taught, and nurtured. And guess what - It’s time consuming and can be laborious. It’s even messy sometimes. But this is the strategy to making disciples.
The 3rd participle that makes our strategy is the word “go.” In the Greek it’s a participle, which means that it is not the main verb. We could translate “go” to “as you are going, make disciples.” Though it’s not the primary verb, it does still mean that you should be going. Somewhere. Some believers are called to go to different geo-political nations. Some people are sent to their neighborhood, or to their workplace. We are all to be sent to our homes to make disciples.
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