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North Albemarle Baptist Church
A Place To Call Home!
North Albemarle Baptist Church is not a building, but a people, a family. NABC is a family of the redeemed focused on believing the Scripture, becoming like Jesus, and being sent out on mission with Jesus! We invite you to come be a part of our family and call North Albemarle your home too!
Worship Services
Our worship services focus on the Bible because we believe that the Word of God is central to worship. So, we sing songs based on the Bible, we pray prayers that quote the Bible, and we hear Pastor Jonathan preach and teach the Bible. Our style of worship is more relaxed and modern, but our message is the same old truth from the same old source. And when you think of Pastor Jonathan's preaching, think "old school in a new school kind of way." North may not look like the little country church your Grandma took you to, but we believe the same truth and preach the same Good News. We hope that you will feel free to come as you are but that you will leave changed by the Word of God.
The Lord's Supper is an ordinance designed to more intimately help the body of Christ remember the sacrifice of Christ and by doing so, worship Him. We welcome any baptized believer that is a good standing member of their local church to participate with us. We believe that you should be baptized because it is the first act of obedience for a Christian, and to not be baptized is disobedient, thereby making one unrepentant and unfit to take the Supper. We observe The Lord's Supper regularly at NABC, and we do it corporately as a body as Paul instructed the church in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34.
Sunday Mornings @ 10:45 AM
Wednesday Nights @ 6:30 PM
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
North sits at the corner of Mountain Creek Road and Park Ridge Road. You can use any of our three entrances- two located off of Mountain Creek Road and one off of Park Ridge Road.
I'm visiting for the first time. What should I expect?
You should expect for us to be excited! We want you to feel at home at North, so we won't call you out, make you stand, or embarrass you. When you get to North, our Welcome Team will greet you, answer any questions you have, and ask you to fill out some basic information. If you don't want to fill out the info on paper, just scan the QR code on the card provided by our Welcome Team to fill out our online form.
Will I be expected to give money?
North believes in sacrifice through the giving of tithes and offerings. We believe giving is an act of worship, obedience, celebration, & thanksgiving to the Lord. But as our guests, you are not expected or obligated to give! You could simply drop the Connection Card in the offering plate, and that would be your gift to us!
What about my kids?
At North, our Sunday Worship Service Nursery runs from birth to 3 years. Why do we stop it there? We believe in kids being in "Big Church." We know that means getting restless, bathroom breaks, coloring pages, and an occasional lollipop so we can make it to 12:00 pm. But it also means praising Jesus as a family and watching mom or dad or big brother & sister learn the Gospel. Click here for more information about our Kids Ministry.
What should I wear?
On Sundays and Wednesdays alike, you'll find that the people of North wear whatever is comfortable, and we hope that you will too. When you walk in, you'll see both causal wear and business suits. At North, it's not about what you look like, but who Jesus is.
What about my teenagers?
We love our teenagers, and we love yours too! We believe our youth should sit, worship, and grow right beside you during our worship services. Teenage involvement doesn't stop there! North believes in serving-both at church and on mission. So we happily encourage your teenagers to sign up to volunteer to serve in an area that interests them.
How do I get connected and involved?
Whether you want to dive into a life group, get more information about an upcoming event, or get plugged into one of our ministries, our Welcome Team can help with that. You'll find our team located at each entrance and at our Welcome Desk (located in the middle of the sanctuary foyer). You can also head to our "Life Group" page or our "Serve at North" page for more info.
Discover North
Our Discover North class is one of the best ways for you to learn more about our congregation and what we believe. Pastor Jonathan teaches this class once per quarter. It's brief class on a Sunday, immediately following the service, that begins with lunch. Pastor Jonathan briefly goes over topics like What is the Gospel?, Baptist Distinctives, and Membership Matters. You can RSVP for the next class with our church office.
Want to learn more? Have any questions? Let us know!
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